




       六一儿童节的英文是:International Children's Day

       一、International 读法 英 [ntnn?l] 美 [nt?r?nn?l]




       international trade?国际贸易

       international market?国际市场

       international airport?国际机场

       international business?国际商业;国际企业

       international standard?国际标准

       二、Children?读法 英?['tldr?n]美?['tldr?n]?



       supernormal children?超常儿童 ; 名超常儿童 ; 智力超常儿童 ; 智力超常

       Young Children?少年儿童 ; 婴幼儿 ; 幼儿 ; 幼童

       Yellow Children?黄孩子 ; 唱片名


       1、When celebrating the international children's day


       2、Today is International Children's Day.?









       child's play, children's play这两个短语的意思并不相同:child's play的意思是“容易的事”“不重要的事”,它通常用作不可数名词;

       而children's play的意思是“儿童戏剧”,是可数名词,其复数形式是children's plays。例如:

       It was child's play to solve that problem.


       Children's Day

       儿童节 的英文表示为:?Children's Day,儿童节(它是为了保障世界各国儿童的生存权、保健权和受教育权,抚养权,为了改善儿童的生活,为了反对虐杀儿童和毒害儿童而设立的节日。目前世界上许多国家都将6月1日定为儿童的节日)。

       Children's Day的用法

       1、My daughter had a wonderful Children's Day today.?


       2、We talked about the Dragon Boat Festival holiday and Children's Day.?


       3、What did you do on last children's day?



       4、This is my of the most memorable of the61 Children's Day!?


       5、Talk about Daming's Children's Day with your friends.?


       6、It's children's day. let's do a play.?


       7、Yes. Tomorrow is June the first, Children's Day.?


       8、Children's Day is coming, I should buy something new for my son.?

